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I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
Revelation 22:13
As I looked back this year, I can see my life in 2020 can be summarized into two things, pandemic and…. Vuku Family.
Which of the two in am thankful for? Without a doubt, it is Vuku Family.
I’m thankful that we are all safe and sound. Despite the hardship, we relied on each other, and endured it together.
It leaves me in awe, and confident in this presence for whatever the future holds for us.
I am grateful that I have all of you in my life and it is an assurance I have that Jesus is with us.
As we close one of the craziest year, I confess that Jesus is truly the Alpha and the Omega, and that nothing can separates us from his love.