
서로의 삶에서 하나님께서 일하심을 경험하시는 것은 힘든 시간을 함께 경험한 후에 더욱 기쁜것 같습니다.

Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
John 20:27‭-‬28

When did you realize that Jesus was ‘My Lord and my God’?

For me, it is the certainty that I have in Jesus.

Before I met Jesus, everything in my life had 50/50 chance. I could be okay or not okay. I could be successful or not successful.

I seek in many different places to find some assurances, but no wisdom, belief or religion could give me any meaningfull answer.

Now, he has guided me to look in the right places to find peace and assurance for my life. Also, His everlasring covenants and ever deepening love assure me for anything to come in my way.

I need you Lord. You are my God.

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