주키사니는 올리아의 창립맴버 중의 하나였습니다. 사역에서 일년반의 휴식을 취한후 주님께서 그의 마음에 어떻게.일하셨는지가 보입니다.
But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and all of you know the truth.
1 John 2:20
Would you believe if I say that you have the truth?
Would you believe if I say that God has shown you what he is doing with Vuku Family?
He has. I’m absolutely sure.
You might not be able to write it down or make a speech about it, but you know it in your heart, I can see.
Continue with your good work in sharing the love of Jesus.
♡ Cell Group Discussion
Can you share one thing, even if it is a small thing and give thanks to God?